Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bits and Pieces

5:07 AM

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My pregnancy nesting continues..I've been working on a slew of projects around my house. I'm sort of doing bits in a number of areas but I really want to FINISH everything. {i have three month's left..eek}. So here's this weekend's project {mind you I have to do most of this during my son's nap time. Baby sitter time is used for my business and teaching}.
I am painting the above piece this weekend. It's either going to be black or turquoise. If I go with black - I own a turquoise lamp to use with it. If I go with turquoise, I'm not sure what I'm going to do..there is a lamp I like from Anthropologie . I'm definitely using one of these pulls from Muffs Hardware , they are larger and more interesting then the current hardware.

Here's a little peek at my dining room. I still need to finish a number of things before I post the entire room. {i also need my photographer to take the photos with the proper lighting - sorry about the blurry image} Aren't those lamps great? I found them at Home Goods..


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