Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Autumn Inspired Interior Design

10:21 AM

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Yesterday morning I went to work and I decided to use this chilly autumn morning to boost my energy and face a new day in the office. I took a deep breath of the crisp air, snugged into my scarf, and sipped on a hot cup of coffee-to-go while enjoying the colourful foliage and soaking in the morning sun rays. Immediately I felt inspired to write a blog post on autumn inspired interiors. Imagine saturated hues of mustard, ochre, dark blues, mauve, rich grey and earthy brown tones. Isn't it amazing how every season brings in fresh inspiration not only to fashion, food, but also to interior design and home decoration? With this twist of things, I am enjoying every day of autumn. Do you?

Photography: Foliage by Igor Josifovic; Blue bedroom via Anne Sage; room with beautiful painting via Pinterest; living space in mauve via Pinterest; yellow bed via Loft Life; ethnic cushion via Magpie & Rye; room with ethnic rug via Dietcokeandasmoke Tumblr; mustard sofa via Escapade Blog.


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