Friday, January 27, 2012

Ideas For A Happy Weekend

3:04 PM

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With a busy full-time job and a high-flying blogger schedule, I hardly have time to enjoy a cup of coffee in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere. But if I were able to enjoy all the nice things during the week, what would the weekend serve for?

One thing I love about weekends is having the luxury of time to enjoy a relaxed and laid-back coffee with friends, with my mum or all alone - at home or in a wonderful café. Like this one: the Market Lane Coffee in Melbourne, Australia. Ok, truth be told, Melbourne is maybe a tad too far away from Munich for a weekend trip, but if I were in Melbourne, I would probably go to the Market Lane Coffee to enjoy a cup of their hot brew and indulge in the aesthetic interior design - double bliss! Have a great weekend, friends!

Photography by Peter Bagi via Sprk.


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