Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happily Ever After: Illustrator Blanca Gomez

3:22 PM

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Let me tell you how I decide on what to feature on my blog. I either see something in a magazine, I get inspired on-the-go or - yes - I browse the internet for inspiration. Then the progression goes something like this: I open a website and then it happens - the first sight puts a big smile on my face. Yes, beautiful and inspiring content makes me happy. And then it is more than clear. That has to go up onto Happy Interior Blog. Now that exactly happened when I opened the site of Blanca Gomez, 'Cosas Minimas', a talented Spanish illustrator and designer from Madrid. 

Her playful illustrations inherit a healthy dose of happiness and cheer. Bright colours, fine lines and a pinch of wit makes her illustrations the right choice for a happy home. Don't you agree. And the best: Her designs are all available through her Etsy shop. Well, sometimes happiness is just a click away. 

Photography via Cosas Minimas


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