Friday, March 2, 2012

Ideas For A Happy Weekend

3:34 PM

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Here it is. The first weekend in March. And the first weekend in spring. The weather has improved and there's 'spring in the air'. With more light, warm sun rays and first blossoming, my craving for greens - to be precise - for new plants is growing. I am planning on buying a few new leafy buddies to add a healthy pop of green to my apartment. I love spring days when I can open my windows, let a crisp breeze enter my rooftop home and make the plants rustle. Is there anything better than a deep breath of fresh spring air and a bit of nature in your home? A happy spring weekend, my friends!

Photography: Top pic via Emmas Designblogg; living room via Apartment Therapy; hanging planter via Bloesem Blog; plants in crate via Ikea Family Live; wall installation with plants via Mailchimp.


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