Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Trend: Paper In Interior Design

3:36 PM

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Considering wood, metal, glass, textiles in interiors is rather normal and evident. But when it comes to paper, we mostly think of paper goods, books, posters, stationery. At first glance, this material seems too soft and fragile for interior design. But it's all a question of tweaking the good old paper. Arty installations, wall coverings, rugs, lamp shades, decorative elements as well as furniture made of paper - the possibilities are boundless nowadays. The above shown dining room catches the beholder's eye with a huge paper installation/light. Paper yarn is not only practical but decorative, too. So is this lampshade made of old maps.

Be brave and cover a feature wall with old book pages or newspaper. Paper fringes add texture and highlights to a bedroom, too. Go for an easy DIY paper pendant

Sleek, stylish and eco-friendly: these Kami pots by Berlin based Ett la Benn studio are a decorative highlight for any home and made of cellulose. Or fancy a paper rug by Greetje van Tiem made of long lasting recycled paper thread?

Paper sign to shout it out! And craft paper is practical in many ways!

Paper lamps diffuse a mellow, warm light and are ideal for a cosy atmosphere, like these Arik Levy models. Don't be afraid to use paper in kitchens, too. And show off some beautiful book covers - they are déco gems, too!


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