Every Wednesday I am compiling a little round-up of goodies that inspired me this week. These five treats really boosted my good mood. Sometimes I am so simple as to be happy with a little cushion, a lovely illustration or a happy plant pot. But being simple is not equal to being dumb, right?
1. The 'City Sunday' magazine rack by Finnish Design Shop is the right potion for my Scandinavian design loving, urban heart. Ok, I admit, I bought it!
2. This apple cushion is such a fruity refreshment for any sofa. Certainly for mine! Found via Etsy.
3. Last Saturday I spent my afternoon in my local Ikea. I wandered around, shopped, and got hooked by this beautiful woolen bed throw in ecru with delicate, colourful threads.
4. I also stocked up on new succulents. And this Anthro plant pot would be such a happy pal for my succulents.
5. I loved 'Pushing Daisies' back then. Do you know that series at all? If you do, you will understand my passion for this illustration - The Piemaker. Seen on Etsy.
Happy hump day, friends!
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