Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer In The Kitchen

3:19 PM

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With the rising temperatures outside I am getting all into the summer mood. Now the best thing with interior design and decoration is that you can recreate your home according to your mood or season. So why not season up your kitchen with a few summer details - depending on the budget this can go from big to small. With a well-stocked wallet you can bring an all-year summer fell to your kitchen with this happy Smeg fridge. Yes, a long time wish on my list! Way more reasonable are the new kitchen stools from Ikea's PS collection. And for the smallest budgets just go with little details such as these lovely tumblers by Zara Home or the happy green linen tablecloth from H&M Home. And when we think of kitchen we should also think of the food we eat - so why not be creative and healthy by cooking fresh & easy as suggested in this cookbook as seen on Anthropologie? A happy cuisine summer!


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