Sunday, July 29, 2012

From Place To Space: Niagara Falls

3:29 PM

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I am no Monday person. So when I set up my blog last year in October, I've decided to fight the 'Monday Blues' with little memories and inspirations from my past trips. I am a restless voyager and while traveling I feel truly alive: I gather inspiration along the way (yes, inspiration for my home, too), I refuel my energy, I let the voyage breezes clear up my mind and remind me of the things that really matter. And discovery always goes hand in hand with great fun. So let me take you to a little exploration of the famous Niagara Falls - with the keen eye of a discoverer and a healthy portion of humour.

Admittedly, Niagara Falls can be counted into the most cliché destinations of North America. Nevertheless it is worth a trip to see the spectacular nature and the beautiful surroundings. The town itself is a weird concoction of some sort of Disneyland and sightseeing spot, but hey, once you're there, play along with the fun and enjoy a bit of frenzy. And yes, do the full cliché program, hop on the 'Maid of the Mist' and scream as loud as you can once you're literally under the Horseshoe Falls. And take the fashionable souvenir with you. Yes, the blue prêt-à-porter coat...

For a more relaxed and a way more cuter retreat, head off north to the charming little town of Niagara-on-the-Lake set on the shores of Lake Ontario at the borderline between the US and Canada. The town's streets are lined with picturesque historical buildings and hosts the annual Shaw Festival. So if you ever get there, enjoy an afternoon sitting in the lovely Shaw Café & Wine Bar enjoying the delicious sweet treats and a glass of the fine local red wine. And if you feel carried away, don't blame yourself for being weak: the town's official nickname is 'The Loveliest Town in Canada'. Well then, happy Monday!

Photography by Igor Josifovic


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