What happens if you wander the world, you live in Paris, on a boat in Amsterdam, in Australia? When you collect delicate little gems, transform vintage pieces into remarkable ideas for the home, have a refined sense for a romantic and eclectic style? Well, I haven't got an answer for you, but I have an idea what it would look like - like the work of the Australian stylist, photographer and author Pia Jane Bijkerk.
Earlier this year I've reviewed her amazing book here on the blog, and it is illustrated with that specific and unique style that she creates and captures magically with her camera. No matter if this is your style or not, I've learned one important lesson from Pia's work: to notice the little details. To acknowledge their beauty. And to create ideas that stem from just one tiny peculiarity. Like a dried flower. Or a wandering heart. Happy Friday!
Photography by Pia Jane Bijkerk
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