Sunday, August 26, 2012

From Place To Space: Blogger Fun In Munich

3:42 PM

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First of all: I am sorry for not taking you to a new destination today but staying local. Yep, this time I am Munich bound. But I had a very good reason to stay in Munich: I was expecting one of my favorite fellow bloggers and good friend Will aka Mr. Bazaar from London for a visit. Moreover, we had a little but totally international blogger meet-up by welcoming our Canadian fellow blogger Tim from Designmaze on Sunday, too. 

You might remember Will's and my adventures through xmassy Munich last year. This time, we explored a more summery version of the city and discovered a few exciting places. Friday was the best time for an after work drink and chat at the stylish Aroma Kaffeebar in Munich's hip Glockenbach quarter, whereas Saturday was reserved for a more extensive shopping & shooting endeavour throughout the city. 

We started the day with a good brunch at the lovely Café Fräulein with its charming vintage décor and shabby chic feel. I love the fact that styles that do not necessarily reflect your personal taste (like in this case) can nonetheless enchant you when they're well executed. After the refreshment we headed to a few inspiring stores and snapped along the way. We foraged through the vintage furniture store Delikatessen and encountered some amazing retro light pendants and rustic industrial stools. 

To counteract the somewhat industrial and rustic feel of the first store, we headed over to Ladoug - a tiny boutique with a well chosen selection of beautiful furniture, textiles and decoration accessories, many of them with an artisan origin. The overall feel is more natural, ethnic and full of textures. A great place to satisfy all senses!

Walking through Munich downtown dragged us involuntarily to some of the high street stores, too. We hopped into Butlers to examine their colourful table settings and once again I fell in love with the Hamam inspired table cloths and picnic blankets. Saturday night was rounded up by a fantastic dinner in one of Munich's 'places to be' Theresa restaurant. I blogged about that restaurant here and believe me - if you ever come to Munich, you will want to go there and satisfy your palate and your design craving eye. 

Sunday was reserved for a meet-up with our blogger friend Tim and we took him for a drink and walk through Munich's several parks to enjoy the war sunrays and a leisurely Sunday. And in between all these undertakings, Will and I managed to style up my little abode, buy some extra props and shoot my apartment for an upcoming little home story. So stay tuned! Enough for now, happy Monday friends!

Photography by Igor Josifovic


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