Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happily Ever After: Stylist Sasa Antic

3:18 PM

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For my Friday series 'Happily Ever After' I love to feature the work of amazing interior stylists, photographers or designers. Today, I've picked the Sweden based stylist Sasa Antic (pronounce Sasha Antich). I happened to stumble over his work a year and something ago while researching the web on interior design. I spotted his work for Ikea and loved the creative approach and playful styling of one of Ikea's colour specials. Plus, his name draw my attention as it indicates roots in the former Yugoslavia. So one thing we have in common. 

Now, I've revisited his website and browsed through his styling work. I've selected a few inspiring photographies that I loved instantly. I like his refined colour compositions, the mix of Scandinavian style with eclectic flavors of a well-travelled man, the playful and boyish use of colour pops and accessories. Claim it on our similar ethnic roots, claim it on our similar tastes - but I've recognized myself in his work. Happy Friday, friends!

Photography via Sasa Antic


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