Friday, February 3, 2012

Ideas For A Happy Weekend

3:29 PM

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This week I was happy to receive a very charming blog award passed along from blogger to blogger. Charlotte from the blog Lonette picked me as one of her chosen blogs to receive the 'Liebster Blog' award. I wondered what's it all about and it turned out to be a lovely idea to support smaller blogs.

The award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers and the lucky award winner is supposed to thank the award giver, to choose five other blogs and let them know about the award and to hope that the 'Liebster Blog' award will be passed on by the other winners. And then it dawned on me: Is there anything better to start the weekend then sharing a little bit of blogger love? 

Here are my chosen 'Liebster Blog' award winners:

Happy weekend, friends!

Photography: Flowers via Frolic Blog; Merci card via Rifle Paper Co.


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