I won't start over again about the advantages of living in the middle of Europe. Weekend getaways are one easy thing to do and to enjoy. Some time ago I spent a prolonged weekend in Ireland. I combined a city trip to Dublin with the exploration of the beautiful Irish countryside. I blogged about my Dublin experience here, now it's time to show you a little bit of the divine Irish countryside.
From Dublin I took a train and after a 30 minutes ride I arrived in what I would refer to my cliché imagination of Ireland - in real terms Dalkey and Killiney Hill Park. A rough and wild sea, a steady breeze, lush green hills, picturesque little seaside villages with century old houses and churches and an ever changing weather. Sunny, cloudy, showers, sunny again - and all this within one hour.
Killiney Hill Park is a superb way to enjoy Ireland by foot. If you ever happen to travel to Dublin and long for a bit of the wild, green Ireland, go to Killiney Hill Park. You can wander the pathways through the leafy park, climb uphill and enjoy a spectacular view overlooking the coastline and the Irish Sea. The area is dotted with beautiful Georgian mansions and nowadays home to many internationally known celebrities. After you've walked off your feet, stop by in downtown Dalkey for a piece of yummy cake and a coffee in the adorable Country Bake bakery. Blissful memories! And now back to Monday!
Photography by Igor Josifovic
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