Monday, July 23, 2012

Sponsored Post: Hello Canvas!

3:45 PM

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Have you ever thought of this: How much do you love your digital snapshots? For example your Instagrams? I love mine. But I have never thought of bringing a tiny on-the-go Instagram shot onto real canvas. Not until I was approached by the German company 'HalloLeinwand' (literally: Hello Canvas) and asked if I'd like to give it a try.

Honestly, I hesitated at the beginning. A photo on a canvas for my home? Nay, I am not so fond of. But then I gave it a second thought. I remembered how much I love my quick Instagram shots and how much I like to share them. Now having a canvas with one of my personal shots could be a cool one-of-a-kind decoration for my home or a super unique present for a friend. So I said yes. And I was very surprised.

I quickly chose a simple Instagram shot I'd taken on my last trip to the Italian Lago di Garda in May. The only requirement was that the pic has a minimum of 250 KB. I was pretty sure this will not work and not look good at all. A few days later I was proven wrong. The canvas surprised me tremendously. The quality of my shot is incredibly high and the colours are very vibrant - the lightsign seems even to glow on the canvas. Now I am pretty happy with the outcome and think it is an ideal and personal piece to decorate my kitchen or a breakfast nook in the future.

For anyone who likes this idea I am pleased to tell you that HalloLeinwand offers a 15 % reduction on any order by using the promotion code 'Happyinterior'. Now the hardest thing is to choose one of your cool Instagrams or digital photos. And then there will be more happiness in your home, too! Happy Tuesday!

Photography by Igor Josifovic


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