Hello Happy Interior Blog readers!
I'm Eleni from My Paradissi and I'm delighted to keep you company here for a while as Mr. Igor is having some great time on his vacation. How about some bright, warm and cozy interiors to fight the mid-autumn blues? Follow me...
First I'd get myself some fluffy, super soft pillows and throws to hug, then let my artsy instincts run wild and fill a wall with pieces of inspiration and art. I'd be oh, so lucky to have a marble countertop island in my spacious kitchen, which I'd decorate with aged lanterns I'd find from the flea market. And, last but not least, I'd host a kick-the-moodiness-away dinner party with my stripy runners and my handmade crocheted vases. Feel better already ;)
Come over at My Paradissi and say hi! I'd love to meet you. You can also find me in facebook and twitter.
Thank you Igor for having me around! xoxo
Image credits: 1.sanctuary, 2.ellens album, 3.Charles de Lisle, 4.dronning maud
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