Hello, Happy Interior Blog readers! How’s everyone? I’m Jeanne from Shop Sweet Things, a San Francisco lifestyle blogger who loves to share her discoveries on shopping, fashion, and living. I’m really excited to be here today while Igor is away enjoying his well-deserved break.
Just like you, I’m a HUGE fan of Igor! So when he asked me to be one of his guests this week, I was really flattered! I met Igor a little earlier before he started the Happy Interior Blog. We met through a virtual Pinterest party he hosted with Holly of Decor8, and from then on I was smitten by his charming personality. When he launched his Happy Interior Blog, I followed it from day one. I just knew it would be good stuff. And boy, do we share a similar taste?! I think we both are very fond of fun, quirky and stylish design. I’m always impressed with the products and inspirations he finds for his blog (who isn’t, anyway?!) And while he talks about all things happy, I talk about all things sweet. So, in a way, we complement each other like peanut butter and jam.
However, I think where we really connected is that we both enjoy finding happiness in simple things – without giving up on style, that is! I believe this is why Igor has always been a huge supporter of my column, “Sweet Things Under $20.” So for this guest post, I thought it would only be fitting to turn his favorite column on my blog into “Happy Things Under $20”. Do you like? I apologize in advance that this is in dollars and not in euros, but you get the idea. J
Hope I did a good job filling in for Igor. It’s truly my pleasure to be here and happy day to all!
1. Salad Servers 2. Art Print 3. Face towel 4. Milk Bottle 5. Washable Slippers 6. Bath Soap7. Gather Journal 8. Blue Two-Tone Mug
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